things i LOVE: shopping, eating, cooking, drinking, dancing alone to good music, paper, design, family, good friends and my dog--the rockstar

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So moving pretty much totally stinks. Packing boxes and suitcases and throwing away TONS of crap that I didn't know I even had for multiple days...BUT the good news is - once youve got everything packed up and the movers come and take it wherever you want have a whole new place to live! So that's the exciting part and the part that pays off. Once I'm all done and moved - I'll get to snuggle with my dog, rocky, drink wine with my mom and dad, hang out with my little brother, have long chats and dinners with my bestie JessicaLynn and so much more.

A good glass of wine goes a long way...

My best bud Rocky

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