things i LOVE: shopping, eating, cooking, drinking, dancing alone to good music, paper, design, family, good friends and my dog--the rockstar

Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Day of Birth

Sooo tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year - my birthday. This means I am NOT going to work, I am NOT going to change out of my PJ's (unless MANDATORY) and I am not going to apologize for anything. Woop woop. In the spirit of tomorrow, December 2nd, my day of birth that I share with Britney Spears (Jealous?), I have found the most fabulous birthday cards on Etsy

Also, I probably won't be posting tomorrow - sorry about it.


  1. happy belated birthday! hope you had a great day! love love love reading your blog. it's so darn cute! miss you & hope to see you soon!

  2. thanks annabelle! hope all is well with you and i hope to see you soon as well:)
