Sooooooo I am on the prowl for a new apartment and I am beginning to realize that living on your own is EXPENSIVE. After a week of pouting and fighting this I finally started making a budget list for myself in order to stay OUT of debt. Seeing that I have NO budget for spending ridiculous amounts of money on fabulous designer clothes (without totally giving up eating and drinking in life), I have a new plan for my shopping habits. I'm going to start researching the things that I want: find out when it will go on sale, what the best price is, where the best place is to get it, etc... Also, starting to think before I buy. Make sure that it's something I HAVE to have or NEED - not just something that is pretty :(. Also, not eating out for lunch and dinner as often. It's so easy to pay $15 here and $20 there, but when it all adds up thats about $300 bucks a month just on food - that makes me fat no less!
The moral of my LONG and rambling story is that I am changing my ways!
Some great places to shop on a budget: