things i LOVE: shopping, eating, cooking, drinking, dancing alone to good music, paper, design, family, good friends and my dog--the rockstar

Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Blues

This Monday seriously kind of sucks. It's dragging for sure... and the closest exciting thing I have to look forward to is my Cinco de Drinko self created bar crawl on Saturday afternoon with some of my favorite gals. Other than that it's pretty much working out (not something I generally look forward to.) Anyways... here are some pics that got me smiling.

images via weheartit

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm 24

I woke up to a text of this link from my best pal Kimber...

For all you people that are 24 ish... This is so true.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

One more day...

Well friends it's Thursday which means it is almost Friday which means WEEKEND. This week has literally passed by so slowly and I can't figure out why. Anyways on another note, Monday I began a 100-day plan to get fit for summer. Specifically, Monday was 100 days until I leave for Healdsburg, California for a week long (much-needed) vacation. Because of this vacation, and a few more amazing ones that I will discuss later on, I have made a personal goal to get my ass in shape. This will include eating right, exercising at least four times per week (aiming for five but I still want a social life) and running a 10K by mid-July. I refuse to stop drinking so that is my small twist to any normal get fit plan. It's only day four into my 100-days but I am positive about my goals and a good friend once told me to not think of it as a diet but a lifestyle change. Here we go people. Also, being that I am a shopping addict I have decided that at the end of my 100 days, I will get to go shopping for my trip - meaning that I can't shop until then - WOAH what have I done. 

images via pinterest

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday Tunes

You know you love this jam too. 

Justin Bieber -- "Boyfriend"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Make Me Smile

Aside from the multiple tornadoes that touched down in Dallas today, it was a pretty good day. But there are always those days when you just need a pick me up and sometimes for me all it takes is some photos to do the trick:

images via

Baby Joy

This weekend I co-hosted a baby shower for a friend and co-worker who is having a baby boy in early May. I am so excited for her and her hubby, they are going to be such amazing parents to this lucky little boy. Here are some pictures from the shower.

The mom-to-be

Everyone got to make onesies for the mom-to-be to take home

Thanks to my co-hostesses, they made this shower just perfect!

If you are interested in making onesies at an upcoming event it was really simple! We bought 10 patterns on Etsy at Applique Art by Kim, bought fabric in small squares, ironed on special adhesive paper to the fabric to make it adhere to the onesie once ironed and had our guests trace and cut the pieces out. Sounds like a bit of work but it really was worth it!