things i LOVE: shopping, eating, cooking, drinking, dancing alone to good music, paper, design, family, good friends and my dog--the rockstar

Monday, February 27, 2012

Oscars 2012

Oscar Fashion 

Michele Williams in Louis Vuitton

Maya Rudolph in Johanna Johnson 

Kristen Wiig in Vera Wang

Rose Byrne in Vivienne Westwood

Shailene Woodley in Valentino Couture

Jessica Chastain in Alexander McQueen 

Sandra Bullock in Marchesa

Viola Davis in Vera Wang

Emma Stone in Giambattista Valli 

Jennifer Lopez in Zuhair Murad

Angelina Jolie in Versace

Gwyneth Paltrow in Tom Ford

Berenice Bejo in Elie Saab

source TMZ

Friday, February 24, 2012


My good friend Kimber was raving about the new Fray CD to me... Now if it were just anyone telling me I probably wouldn't have cared/listened because I am weird about my music. HOWEVER, this particular bestie of mine has the best taste in music of anyone I've ever met and she is the reason I have even heard of some of my favorite bands. Long story short, I bought their new album and my homegirl was correct. Check out one of my favorites:

"Ready or Not" -- The Fray

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Holiday

If you haven't heard, it's National Margarita Day. BOOM. This means you have an even bigger excuse to drink Margaritas on this hump day than you normally would. I know, its awesome. So if you have a poppin liquor cabinet (meaning you don't have to drag your lazy self to the store on this holiday) then give one of these awesome recipes a shot:

Recipes via FoodGawker

Friday, February 17, 2012

Southern Hospitality

Fat Tuesday is quickly approaching. Here in Texas, in the grown up "adult world," it usually just passes by without notice but back in the good 'ol days of college it was another excuse to party on a Tuesday and have people over with food and delicious cocktails. This year, instead of mindlessly letting an amazing holiday pass me by, I will celebrate with a classic Louisiana meal and a Hurricane cocktail. Check out some awesome southern cuisine recipes:

Images via Food Network and Food Gawker

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Obsession

Yesterday I stumbled upon my new favorite blog. The Londoner. This girl is adorable, fashionable, has some amazing recipes and awesome lifelong tips for staying healthy. Here is a snippet/summary of my favorite post, The Anti-Diet -- you can check out the whole thing HERE... and I may be sharing a lot of her stuff so get used to it...

Here are the basics to learn the differences in hunger so you know when your body actually needs food and doesn't just "want" it. 

Try to eat when you're at a 3 or 4 and stop at a 5 or 6. She says if you are trying to lose weight to stop at a 5 but if you are trying to maintain then stop at a 6. 

Quit this shit. PERIOD.

Get your ass moving - duh. 

Credits to The Londoner

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Treats

In case you find the urge or the need to bake today for that special someone or for co-workers or friends, check out some of these adorable Valentine's Day themed desserts:

Happy Valentine's Day

So every year is different for me, some years I love Valentine's Day and some years I despise it -- this year, I'm not a fan. But hey, don't let that bring all you people in LURVE down. I have two songs, one for the folks like me this year who aren't so much into it, and one for the lovebirds:

"Love" -- Matt White
(for the lovebirds in loverville)

"Terrible Things" -- Mayday Parade
(for the anti-vday folks this year -- this song is SUPER depressing so be warned!)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You're Welcome

Yep - You're going to want to make these. Like immediately.

Tuesday Tunes

I've never really been a big fan of Coldplay BUT their song "Paradise" I do like, check it out:

"Paradise" -- Coldplay

Girl's Best Friend

Leggings are my favorite thing in the winter, they seriously go with everything. I have a bunch of different pairs and I love them all, here are some of my favorite brands:
(I realize they all look the same, haha)

(my favorite pair ever)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Design Time

I am so excited to announce the Clampitt Paper Wine Label Design Contest for 2012. This contest is for professionals in the DFW area in the fields of Graphic Design, Marketing or Advertising. We are asking entrants to come up with a creative wine label design that will go on over 600 bottles of wine, that the winner along with a group of people will be bottling in Sonoma County in the fall. If you are interested and fit the criteria for this contest please head over to the Clampitt Paper website for more information and the official Call for Entries!