things i LOVE: shopping, eating, cooking, drinking, dancing alone to good music, paper, design, family, good friends and my dog--the rockstar

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011


Just a couple songs that I am loving right now...

"Easy" - Rascal Flatts & Natasha Bedingfield

"5 O'Clock in the Morning" - T-Pain & Lily Allen

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

I attempted the cutest little Oreo turkeys last night and I am so pleased with them! 

My little turkey soldiers:)

Hope everyone has a fabulous holiday weekend!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

All Bundled Up

This season is all about the coat. The colors, the textures the fabrics - the designs are endless and fabulous. Here are some of my favorite coats for this winter... (keep in mind, here in Dallas its still like 60 degrees...)

Monday, November 21, 2011

True Love

I stumbled upon this amazing card today - but I can't figure out where it came from...

Food for the Soul

I stumbled on the greatest blog today - all about healthy eating and living. I spent some time going through it and picked out some of my favorite recipes to try out. First one on my list, the green smoothie. It sort of reminds me of the Naked Juice Green Monster that I buy but this one is homemade! Check out some of my other favorites from Linda Wagner:

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Friday

I think everyone can agree this week has been a long one... I am SO looking forward to a relaxing weekend followed by a 3-day work week.

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend!

and.... I am really loving this song right now:

Miranda Lambert - "Nobody's Fool"

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Never Fully Dressed

I am swooning over Never Fully Dressed. Unfortunately they are based out of Europe and I haven't found a way to get them to ship to me here in Dallas just yet. For now though I am satisfied just looking....

Oreo Heaven

With big celebrations approaching quickly, there is ALWAYS a need for a fabulous dessert recipes. I decided to go in the Oreo route today and I found some seriously phenomenal looking ideas. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

All that Glitters

I love a good party dress. Especially a super sassy sparkly one... Check out the perfect party dress any special occasion:

Made for Me

I never thought I'd see the day...

If only it said MEREDITH on it.

Fall Decor

This year I offered to help my mom decorate our table for Thanksgiving dinner and I am pretty excited about it. It's no secret that Thanksgiving is very much my favorite Holiday and my family's traditions are what make it so great. Every year we run (I walk usually) the Turkey Trot downtown and have a giant dinner with some of our  favorite family friends. This year we are having our big dinner the night before Thanksgiving which should prove to make the Turkey Trot an extra slow walk for me:)
 I am looking around Pinterest to find new ideas for our table of 20 and here is what I like so far:

I love the cranberries and flowers in the vases on the left...


So a friend of mine recently was chosen as a finalist to win a trip to Iceland! All she has to do is get more votes than any other finalist to win! So.... please please please go HERE and vote for Lee-Taylor Evans to win the trip!! Thanks!

Friday, November 11, 2011


I am sooo excited about the DREAM Fund 16th Annual Chili Cook-Off tomorrow (Saturday November 12th) morning in Addison Circle, Texas. The fun run (a quick and seriously fun 1 mile path) starts at 9:30 am and the Chili Cook-Off competition and tasting starts at 10 am. It is open to the public and costs $5 for a bracelet to taste all the chilis and vote on which one should win! It is BYOB and I hope that anyone in the area can make it - It is so much fun and benefits a great cause. To learn more about the Cook-Off click here and to learn more about DREAM fund click here.