things i LOVE: shopping, eating, cooking, drinking, dancing alone to good music, paper, design, family, good friends and my dog--the rockstar

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Today on Pinterest, I saw the prettiest little bracelet set and I immediately fell for it. I found that it was from an Etsy shop called Frosted Willow, which has even more of the beautiful handmade bracelets. Here are some of my favorites:

Shop here

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Last night I made an extremely tasty pizza for some great eaters! It was sort of a guess and check type of pizza - just threw some stuff together and prayed for a good turnout. It was really easy to make and it got RAVE reviews. I would totally recommend this for an easy dinner recipe.

1 Roll of Pillsbury Pizza Dough
 Flour (to keep the dough from sticking)
1 Small Tub of Pesto (reduced fat)
2 Bags of Shredded Mozzarella Cheese (made with 2% milk)
Feta Cheese ( however much you'd like to add)
2 or 3 Tomatoes (sliced thin) 
Crushed Red Pepper

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Start by dusting flour on your cookie sheet or pizza stone then take your dough and roll it out into a circle on your baking sheet or pizza stone - spreading it to the thickness you want. Then with a spoon spread the pesto evenly around the pizza. Then sprinkle the mozzarella evenly around the dough. Finally add your sliced tomatoes (I only put them on part of my pizza because of picky people - me) and feta cheese. 
Bake for 12-15 minutes but keep an eye on it! Every oven and baking sheet is different - so the baking time may vary.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Little Treats

So after we finish settling into our new place, we are of course going to have a little housewarming party. This means delicious appetizers and wine of course.

Here are some yummy appetizer recipes I found on one of my favorite websites - foodgawker.

Images via foodgawker

Tee Up

Check out these perfect tees from J. Crew. Comfortable, simple and versatile. 

Images via J. Crew

Pretty Pictures

photos via weheartit

All Unpacked

I'm sure everyone knows that moving is sort of a pain. Luckily I'm basically all moved in to my new place - just a few things left to get (my dog for one) - and then the stress will be over. This is why my posts have been seriously lacking...but I'm back. The wait is over. Haha.

For today - I have a new song obsession by the Cab:

"Endlessly" by the Cab

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall into Tory

Check out some of these adorable staple items from Tory Burch. They are the perfect warm colors for fall... just grab some light brown nailpolish and you'll be set.