things i LOVE: shopping, eating, cooking, drinking, dancing alone to good music, paper, design, family, good friends and my dog--the rockstar

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Leavin On a Jet Plane

I will be leaving tomorrow bright and early (ehhemm 710 a.m.) for Captiva Island, FL. I will be taking a little hiatus from all computer interaction for the entire trip and I am pretty excited about it. I'll be back next Tuesday!


This movie looks hilarious and I can't wait to see it:

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Few Things

These are a few things that I want this minute:


So I went to see Bad Teacher last night and I have to say it was pretty funny. It's definitely foul-mouthed and raunchy but equally awesome. I would totally recommend it.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Money Honey

I love changing my wallet up every so often - I hate when it starts to look worn down and dingy. Luckily my fabulous father got me an adorable wallet recently so I didn't have to purchase a new one just yet! However, when my wallet begins to collect too much "bar tar" here are some of the wallets I want:

Country Lovin

Summer Drinking

Easy homemade and delicious summer cocktails. I am going to try and make one of these each week - but i'll let you know how it goes...

Cherry Limeade Cocktail

Coconut Lime Margarita

Vanilla and Vodka

Lemonade and Lambic

Lemonade and Vodka

Lemonade and Wine

Lemonade and Champagne